Thursday, March 18, 2010


Everyone else is blogging about it so here we go....
Seriously, what the fuck happened here. Three deluded idiots take a set of bolt cutters, break into a property they have no reasonable excuse to be on (armed with sickles I might add) and proceeded to do $800K worth of damage to a taxpayer funded facility. Now I will admit that I wasn’t in the courtroom or anywhere near the trio when the event took place but that sounds like a fairly cut and dried example of burglary and wilful damage to me. I cannot believe that they have been found not guilty. Even if they do think they are acting in the greater good I am sure you could find one person who didn’t get bombed on their way to work for each one that has been killed because of the info gleaned off the satellites. All the fools did was expose to people in the know exactly which satellite the damned thing was tracking at the time. I am just itching to see the cases roll in with other complete retards using the same drivel in the defence of their smoking/drinking session that went bad. If it actually works I think I will start killing the irrecoverably stupid members of society (they are fairly easy to spot) because it is for the greater good. I can already think who the first 15 on the list should be....
The Dragon

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