Sunday, June 20, 2010


Life has been interesting over the last few weeks. We've been busy selling and sifting through belongings asking do we need this? Is this useful? If so, why? We've taken a long hard look at what's important to us in terms of belongings - and the big answer is, not a lot! Most of the furniture has gone, or is on the way out, with the exception of a few key items (fridge, movie set up etc). All the music has been ripped to mp3 and sold, all my important notes are in the process of being scanned to pdf and the paper recycled. Heaps of clothes and linen have been donated. Some of our personal things, such as paintings, will remain however the majority will go. And the best thing is, what a liberating feeling! We've essentially decommissioned 4 rooms of the house and it feels great :)

Maybe the most important thing is to remember? That doesn't take up any space!